Environment and ecology part comes under Paper 3 of the Mains examination. There is ample amount of resources to be followed in the market and provided in coaching centres that concentrated and sincere candidates can easily finish the whole revision for this topic in few months. But still there is no solid notes can be aped blindly.
This topic has covered the ¼ (approximately 25% ) in paper 1 as well .
Syllabus is both dynamic and static for this topic as well.
Recommended NCERTs class 6th to 12th GEOGRAPHY (available online-(www.ncert.nic),including 12th Biology ( selected chapters-last 4 chapters concerning ECOLOGY) for static proportion.
Magazines –Yojana, Frontline , Down to Earth, Rupa Made Simple , Science reporter ( pick and choose wisely)
Apart from NCERTs serious candidates go for SHANKAR IAS’s ENVIRONMENT book.
Syllabus can easily be found in almost every book, but candidate has to choose relevant stuff to read and learn.
IGNOU material can also be prepared as it gives in-depth knowledge but candidate needs to pick and choose wisely , don’t need to do Phd level study for particular topic.
Video references from Khan Academy ,Youtube , TV etc can be helpful tackling difficult topics (say Earthquakes )
NIOS material is also useful( free of cost available online)
Use Orient Black swan ATLAS for finding location in Geography , Environment , History , International relations etc.
GENERAL ISSUE ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Ecological terminology Ecotone , Niche ecosystem, Anthropological vs. Natural Ecosystem , environmental deterioration, subsidence, Biosphere reserves , Red Data Book, Food Chain ,Food web, Energy flow , Ecological pyramids. producers(autotrophs and chemotrophs),decomposers , consumers( heterotrophs),Physical factors , limiting factors and Chemical factors etc.
POLLUTION: Four types of pollution Water pollution ,Land pollution , Air pollution and Sound pollution, Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion, Bio magnification , Eutrophication etc.
BIODIVERSITY: (Topics may overlap from Geography sections)Importance of Diversity to Human survival ,International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN),Hotspots, endemism, (Extinct ,vulnerable, Extinct in Wild, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Rare species)EDGE species(EVOLUTIONARY DISTINCT AND GLOBALLY ENDANGERED),Genetic and Species diversity .
EX SITU AND IN SITU TYPES OF CONSERVATION: Gene banks(Seed banks , Sperm bank and Ova bank) , Tissue culture technique ,botanical gardens , Bio-sphere reserves , National parks , Wildlife Sanctuaries , Botanical Gardens , Aquaria , DNA technology ,Transition zone , buffer zone , core zone etc, Advantages and Disadvantages of both the types of conservations.
SUSTAINABLE DEVEOPMENT: Importance of sustainable development , Measures for sustainable development , Effective planning for population control, reduction of per capita demand of natural resources , usage of effective technological devices , following 3R ( REUSE ,REDUCE AND RECYCLE), Promotion of Environmental awareness through education and media, Concept of Green building
ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: Bio-geographical areas of India The Western Himalayas , The Eastern Himalayas ,Western Deserts ,Gangetic Plains , Central India ,Western Coast ,Deccan Plateau(Dry,rocky part in AP and Tamil Nadu) , North East India , Andaman and Nicobar Island
CLIMATE CHANGE : Mitigation measures taken at National and International level (Kyoto Protocol, Montreal protocol) , recent climate change summit held , objectives of summit
LAWS, REGULATORY BODIES AND POLICIES AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL: Environment Protection Act, Forest Right Act , National Biodiversity Authority , Protocols And Summit Like Cartanega Protocol , Nagoya Protocol And Lima Conference Etc
INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AND INTRA GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS , TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE , BIODIVERSITY : Ramsar Convention, Montreux Record , The Three Rio Conventions – Convention On Biological Diversity (Cob) , United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change ( UNFCCC) And United Nation Convention To Combat Desertification- From 1992 Earth Summit Etc.
This topic has covered the ¼ (approximately 25% ) in paper 1 as well .
Syllabus is both dynamic and static for this topic as well.
Recommended NCERTs class 6th to 12th GEOGRAPHY (available online-(www.ncert.nic),including 12th Biology ( selected chapters-last 4 chapters concerning ECOLOGY) for static proportion.
Magazines –Yojana, Frontline , Down to Earth, Rupa Made Simple , Science reporter ( pick and choose wisely)
Apart from NCERTs serious candidates go for SHANKAR IAS’s ENVIRONMENT book.
Syllabus can easily be found in almost every book, but candidate has to choose relevant stuff to read and learn.
IGNOU material can also be prepared as it gives in-depth knowledge but candidate needs to pick and choose wisely , don’t need to do Phd level study for particular topic.
Video references from Khan Academy ,Youtube , TV etc can be helpful tackling difficult topics (say Earthquakes )
NIOS material is also useful( free of cost available online)
Use Orient Black swan ATLAS for finding location in Geography , Environment , History , International relations etc.
GENERAL ISSUE ON ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Ecological terminology Ecotone , Niche ecosystem, Anthropological vs. Natural Ecosystem , environmental deterioration, subsidence, Biosphere reserves , Red Data Book, Food Chain ,Food web, Energy flow , Ecological pyramids. producers(autotrophs and chemotrophs),decomposers , consumers( heterotrophs),Physical factors , limiting factors and Chemical factors etc.
POLLUTION: Four types of pollution Water pollution ,Land pollution , Air pollution and Sound pollution, Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion, Bio magnification , Eutrophication etc.
BIODIVERSITY: (Topics may overlap from Geography sections)Importance of Diversity to Human survival ,International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN),Hotspots, endemism, (Extinct ,vulnerable, Extinct in Wild, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Rare species)EDGE species(EVOLUTIONARY DISTINCT AND GLOBALLY ENDANGERED),Genetic and Species diversity .
EX SITU AND IN SITU TYPES OF CONSERVATION: Gene banks(Seed banks , Sperm bank and Ova bank) , Tissue culture technique ,botanical gardens , Bio-sphere reserves , National parks , Wildlife Sanctuaries , Botanical Gardens , Aquaria , DNA technology ,Transition zone , buffer zone , core zone etc, Advantages and Disadvantages of both the types of conservations.
SUSTAINABLE DEVEOPMENT: Importance of sustainable development , Measures for sustainable development , Effective planning for population control, reduction of per capita demand of natural resources , usage of effective technological devices , following 3R ( REUSE ,REDUCE AND RECYCLE), Promotion of Environmental awareness through education and media, Concept of Green building
ECOLOGICALLY SENSITIVE AREAS: Bio-geographical areas of India The Western Himalayas , The Eastern Himalayas ,Western Deserts ,Gangetic Plains , Central India ,Western Coast ,Deccan Plateau(Dry,rocky part in AP and Tamil Nadu) , North East India , Andaman and Nicobar Island
CLIMATE CHANGE : Mitigation measures taken at National and International level (Kyoto Protocol, Montreal protocol) , recent climate change summit held , objectives of summit
LAWS, REGULATORY BODIES AND POLICIES AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL: Environment Protection Act, Forest Right Act , National Biodiversity Authority , Protocols And Summit Like Cartanega Protocol , Nagoya Protocol And Lima Conference Etc
INTER-GOVERNMENTAL AND INTRA GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS , TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS RELATED TO CLIMATE CHANGE , BIODIVERSITY : Ramsar Convention, Montreux Record , The Three Rio Conventions – Convention On Biological Diversity (Cob) , United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change ( UNFCCC) And United Nation Convention To Combat Desertification- From 1992 Earth Summit Etc.
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