Monday, 13 March 2017


Agricultural products can be classified into various categories on
the following basis:

(1) On the basis of seasonAgricultural products can be classified into two categories on the
basis or seasons; Rabi and Kharif.
(i) Rabi: Sowing is done from October to December and
harvesting season is from March to May. The various Rabi
crops include wheat, gram, peas, potatoes and barley.
(ii) Kharif: Sowing for the crops is done from April to July and
harvesting is done from September to December. The various
crops of Kharif season include rice, sugarcane, jowar, jute,
bajra, maize, cotton and groundnut.

(2) On the basis of encashabilityAgricultural products can be divided into two categories-food crops
and cash crops. The food crops refer to rice, wheat, barley, maize etc.
while cash crops or commercial crops include tea, coffee, rubber, oil
seeds, tobacco etc.

(3) On the basis of perishabilityAgricultural products can be classified into two categoriesperishable and non-perishable products. Generally all the vegetables fall
in the category of perishable agricultural products as they survive only

for a few days while cereals and pulses can survive for years and hence
can be classified in the category of non-perishable agricultural products.

(4) On the basis of processingSome products require processing before they are finally consumed
while others need no processing at all. Sugarcane, cotton, jute, wheat,
rice etc. require processing but these can not be concerned vegetables,
milk fishes etc. do not require any processing.

After understanding agricultural products and their unique
features, let us now move to agricultural marketing.

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