Monday, 28 December 2015

Modern Civil Service Ethics Laws & Codes of Ethics

  • Serving the Public Interest :- Civil servants and public officials are expected to maintain and strengthen the public's trust and confidence in government, by demonstrating the highest standards of professional competence, efficiency and effectiveness, upholding the Constitution and the laws, and seeking to advance the public good at all times.
  • Transparency :- Civil servants and public officials are expected to use powers and resources for public good, under government policy. They should be accountable for the decisions they make, and prepared to justify their actions.
  • Integrity :- Civil servants and public officials are expected to make decisions and act solely in the public interest, without consideration of their private interests. Public employment being a public trust, the improper use of a public service position for private advantage is regarded as a serious breach of duty.
  • Legitimacy :- Civil servants and public officials are required to administer the laws, and to exercise administrative power on behalf of the Government or the Parliament, or other such authority. That power and authority should be exercised legitimately, impartially and without fear or favour, for its proper public purpose as determined by the parliament or their employer.
  • Fairness :- Civil servants and public officials should make decisions and act in a fair and equitable manner, without bias or prejudice, taking into account only the merits of the matter, and respecting the rights of affected citizens.
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